Violin Time has 3 categories of books to choose from, when deciding what is best for you or your student’s needs. The String Time Group series (perfect for a Year 2 instrumental program), then Violin Time and Viola Time Book 1 and 2 – available as hardcopies OR e-book).
A fantastic new resource which is available is access to a Canva slide presentation to assist you with all of your online learning teaching needs.
String Time Group Series (only available in hardcopy) which includes:
Violin and Viola Time Book 1 (available in hardcopy and downloadable)
Fingers are introduced, beginning with the 3rd and a range of exciting pieces take students on a journey through different keys and finger patterns. Scales are included in a logical fashion throughout the book, with pieces using the new finger patterns learned. Bow strokes such as: detache, legato, and staccato are covered in an engaging manner with lovely repertoire.
Each piece has a corresponding video tutorial accessible from the Online tutorials page. These are demonstrated on the violin (Nicole LoBartolo), with piano accompaniment (Jane MacDermott).
Violin and Viola Time Book 2 (available in hardcopy and downloadable)
Students will love the beautiful range of music composed for the purpose of shifting. The styles range from tango, to etude, to waltz, to duets. The keys become more challenging as the book progresses, and each piece has a scale and exercise and resources such as finger charts and online videos to help guide the students practice. Vibrato is introduced and the books feature wonderful exercises to help develop a secure arm vibrato.